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Showing posts from September, 2011

Recovery is not fun

I haven't really written about my recovery period thus far because well, it has sucked and I haven't been in the mood until, well, right now. I started writing this before midnight, and have been distracted here and there,  so when I say today/yesterday...the day will be slightly off, just FYI. Two operations in two years is enough for a lifetime. I'll be so so so happy if I will never have to be in the hospital ever again. Ever ever. My surgery went well. From what I understand, the tumor was quite easy to see and take out. I don't know how much tissue they took out around it. I also know that the nerve the tumor was sitting on has DIED but I don't know what that means for me. I was not in the hospital for long, thank GOD. It was miserable. First of all, they shove medicines down you all at once, not taking into consideration ANYBODY'S medication schedule. I still can see the little cup full of all my medications at one time and want to cry. My r...