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WELCOME TO MY BLOG- in Revamp Mode

Hello readers, interlopers, etc. I started this blog in February 2011 as an outlet to talk about my health issues caused by Neurofibromatosis (NF) Type 1.

But since 2016, I decided to significantly revamp my blog (when I can even write in it!!!!)

This blog will be about many things:

1. To continue writing about NF as an outlet for myself, but also to spread awareness. Not just awareness that NF exists, but also the realities of living with NF. 
2. To write about my health as a Stomach Cancer Survivor. NF isn't the only health issue I deal with! I aim to write about awareness for THAT type of cancer as well as the realities of recovery but also for HOPE that you CAN survive this ordeal.
3. My funny life as a wife and mom. I need to write more about every day things, lighter things, musings, and more. I had my son in 2014, despite cancer, despite NF, and life is great. I am lucky.

Therefore, I not only want to spread awareness and information that sometimes medical websites can't answer, but I also want to put a smile on your face. I hope that's possible!

I changed my blog name from i-have-nf-1 to fingertipfrenzy because I just want to write about life. I want to write a LOT. Writing is therapeutic. I miss writing.

I am more than someone with Neurofibromatosis. So maybe I'll find time to write more if I don't have to only write about my health.

Sooo ...about your author

The Main Players in my life:

The Hub, sometimes called Hubster, otherwise known as John.

My Son, sometimes called Little O, otherwise known as Oliver.

The cats: Chaucer and Dante.  ((will keep this here for posterity purposes but they died in the winter of 2017 )) :(

We have lived in several places since moving up here:
2007-2012 Allston
2012-2013 Brighton
2013-2017 Quincy
August 2017-- Present: Brookline

I work in the medical education (residency/fellowship education) field. My husband is the senior manager of faculty affairs at another hospital.

  • I am a huge Dr. Who fan.
  • I am a white chocolate mocha/ green tea matcha lattee-holic
  • I play lots of games on my phone. Cryptograms are my favorite but my Sims game is my biggest timesuck.
  • I also like playing RPGs on the computer. Since COVID I finally got a new laptop and I have been enjoying all the old games I played as a kid -- new ones, too! 
  • I have attained Elite Status on Yelp. 5 years in a row now. Exciting.
  • I am a Chapter Leader and Mentor for Debbie's Dream Foundation.

Happy reading! Any questions? Email me at

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