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Showing posts from December, 2011

Pain's a pain part II

Some excepts of my last blog entry: Before my surgery, I told my surgeon (if you recall from that entry) that I had pain on my right side, too,and he pretty much told me that he wouldn't do anything about it...I was told that this pain was referred pain from the left side tumor and it would go away after surgery.   IT HAS NOT. In fact the pain on my right side is worse than it has ever been before ...If I press deep down on my skin, the muscle around my  bone is VERY sensitive and it hurts to press down on it. It hurts from the top right side of my pelvic bone, across and down my groin area (sorry if that's TMI) and sometimes down my right thigh (on the front side) and SOMETIMES it extends to my right lowr back area. But it usually stays focused on that pelvic bone area!  Since i wrote that entry, I saw a new pain doctor, and as soon as I pointed to the area of pain (I happened to have been in pain when I met her- usually my pain spells are over by the time ...