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Showing posts from October, 2012

The Lyrica Trial Begins

So last month, I posted a rant on my trials with pain and the difficulty I have speaking with my doctors about increasing my pain medicine. I have been slowly increasing my Lyrica. I started by taking one at night, one in the morning and one at night, one in the morning and two at night- now I am at two in the morning and three at night. On Tuesday, I met with my pain doctor and told her everything I've been feeling 1- I'm not sure Lyrica is quite working since it's too early to tell 2- Oxycodone has become ineffective for me 3- I would like to try a stronger pain medication so I can take it LESS frequently. Thankfully my doctor did not meet these requests with adversity. This was her suggestion: 1) my I am taking a lose dosage of Lyrica, and that I am allowed to take MORE than prescribed during my pain spells i.e, three in the morning, three at night and possibly one or two mid day. And to see how that helps. NOW I'm taking 2 in the am 3 in the pm. So it'...