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Showing posts from October, 2013

NF and Pregnancy- Things to Know!

Hello to my few but loyal readers. This blog will be long but worth it if you are thinking of having a baby and not quite sure what to expect. Well, at least I hope it's worth it! Please note- most of this stems from MY experience- I do not claim to be the voice of all pregnant women with NF. For those who follow me on Facebook you have been following my pregnancy. To the few who just catch my blog between entries- well, I'm pregnant! And it's a BOY! I actually knew when I wrote my last blog about the wellness group (back in July) but I was waiting until I was 13 weeks before saying anything. All is well so far. Here are my ultrasound pictures to date: (note- the ONLY good thing about being high risk is the # of ultrasounds haha) 6 Weeks! 11 weeks! 13 weeks! 20 weeks, 3D image of his cute face! 24 weeks! For those who do not know, when a parent has NF, there is a 50% chance to pass that gene to their children. I've known and understoo...