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Showing posts from January, 2019

My Upcoming Total Gastrectomy Update and FAQ

Hi readers! It has been a long time since I have posted about my health. Here is a life update filled with pictures and videos.  But now it's time to get real. On February 25, I am saying goodbye to my stomach. It was actually supposed to be June 25 of this past year (2018). I was all ready! See this was in March!!! ((Had CT because I was experiencing discomfort in my upper right quadrant, and he wanted to be sure my gallbladder wasn't an issue. It wasn't. Good thing or I would  be getting that removed,too!I guess it's still a possibility in case opening me up shows something different)) With my handmade stomach, made by my ex-flatty from college Before this could even be decided (the June 25 date), I had to have a pelvic laparoscopy to address my tumor pain to be sure nothing was there. Feb 2018 was the lap. Aside from a random surgical staple, probably from my C section, nothing was noteworthy and date was finalized. Leave was approved. Everything...

Two Years' Worth of Updates

I cannot believe it has been a little over TWO YEARS since I have written in this blog. Working full time and parenting has been a bit crazy... And while I created this blog years and years ago to address the journey of figuring out why I was in so much pain, thus becoming more of a blog about Neurofibromatosis, my life has actually now been more centered in surviving my stomach cancer surgery. (As per my last major blog discussing my medical life and my eating disorder ). There is so much to say but since I prefer this to be a chronicle of my life, I will go back in time to explain the happenings: I confess that I have not done so much about my eating disorder other than recognizing that I have one. I think coming to terms with it has helped though. But I think as time went on, things about life just got better? While I struggle sometimes still with finding time to eat, when I do eat, I eat more. I have been working HARD and SUCCEEDING with gaining weight, so that's great! ...