Hi readers! It has been a long time since I have posted about my health. Here is a life update filled with pictures and videos. But now it's time to get real. On February 25, I am saying goodbye to my stomach. It was actually supposed to be June 25 of this past year (2018). I was all ready! See this was in March!!! ((Had CT because I was experiencing discomfort in my upper right quadrant, and he wanted to be sure my gallbladder wasn't an issue. It wasn't. Good thing or I would be getting that removed,too!I guess it's still a possibility in case opening me up shows something different)) With my handmade stomach, made by my ex-flatty from college Before this could even be decided (the June 25 date), I had to have a pelvic laparoscopy to address my tumor pain to be sure nothing was there. Feb 2018 was the lap. Aside from a random surgical staple, probably from my C section, nothing was noteworthy and date was finalized. Leave was approved. Everything...
The life of a wife, a mother, a whovian, a stomach cancer survivor and NF1 endurer. My health, my stories, my life.