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Gearing Up to Run Again!

Hello beloved friends-

It's that time of year again- the Cupid's Undie Run!

I ran two years ago in DC with my dear friends (Team Captain Liz who rain in the inaugural run on behalf of me). Last year I couldn't run because I was just barely a month postpartum. (So it was a good excuse!)

This year John is joining me! It's going to be a blast. A Freezing Cold Blast! This time we are running in Boston instead of DC. Yeah, it will be much colder. :)

The race is Saturday, February 14.  If you're around, you should come cheer us on! We'll be running around (and inside!) Fenway Park!

If you are able, please make a small donation. Every penny counts! NF is a BEAST to live with. We are hoping this money will go to some good research to find a cure.

In September, John and I raised nearly $500 for research for the NF Walk in Putnam. We went as the NF Exterminators (We are Whovians) and made makeshift Dalek headgear. For the Undie Run, we are on the team The Penguin Parade.

We are definitely gearing up for this run! Outfits will be procured soon.  ((Edited to Add- outfits procured! This was first written in the wee hours of the day))

In other news- everything is the same. The pain is awful. It's getting more intense by the month. But it only lasts in spurts. I am thankful for my medication. When  say "getting more intense  by the month" what that really means is that it is slowly going back to normal. When pregnant, I had no pain. The pain free spurt continued until mid June. When the pain came, it wasn't nearly as horrid as it was prior to becoming pregnant, but now it's pretty much back at where it used to be. But alas. That's what happens when you have nerve tumors.

I am a lot more irritable now when I am in pain. I used to be able to hide it, but not anymore. I sleep a lot too if I can. I know it's weird but I really do hope that it has gotten  bigger so it can be removed. I have ZERO pain in my abdomen where a tumor once was. If I could get this tumor removed, my life would be infinitely better (until the next one grows).

Anyway, life is good and I'm looking forward to freezing my tail off!!


  1. I just found your blog & you are absolutely an amazing person! Your page is so inspiring,motivational & informing. Thank you for sharing your journey. I also have NF Type 1. I pray your condition gets better& that one day there will be a cure.


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