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Way Overdue Update About Everything

Hi beloved readers! I can't believe I haven't updated since January, 2015.  I last left you with my blog about getting ready for the 2015 undie run. I am sorry I don't wrote anymore. I have a lot less time now between working and parenting. So I'll try to be better.

So 2015 was a crazy year. Boston not only got pounded blizzard after blizzard (which slightly affected the run) but it was also SOOO cold. The day of the undie run, we had survived our 4th blizzard (2 ft each), it was about to snow again, and it was freezing. Well, that day was a warm spell (20 degrees), but it was 10 degrees with the wind. The rest of that month we had -4 degree days. The subway line I live on had shut down for a month due to all the was miserable.

But the run was fabulous!

Before the run... warming up....

During the run...along Fenway Park Stadium...lots of snow

With the Great and Wonderful Anne Shigley Noble- an amazing NF2 enderer! <3

I think I raised about $1300 for this? I had wanted to give all my donors (past and up to then present) a thank you card with Oliver's hand print on it....but he was soo uncooperative. And then I never ended up making any.... but for those who reading and have donated to me...please know I am always so grateful for your support!

ANYWAY, a SPEEDY update of 2015

January- Oliver turned ONE, blizzard blizzard blizzard

Blizzard ONE. Obviously plowed snow, but we got 2 feet of snow this round, so for this to be THAT high, this was a lot of plowing! Also, see the snowman above the 7 ft snow drift?

Our car was buried! 

I don't have a lot of pictures of the other blizzards because it was too cold and too miserable to chronicle. HAHA.

2015 continued--

February- more blizzards and undie run (Oliver was warm and safe with our dear friends!)
March- worst month ever- my youngest brother was killed in a car accident.  My family is forever broken. We are working through it every day. Here is the one and only "recent" (2011) pic of all of us siblings

This is us in sibling order: John, me, Steph, Charlie, Jim. :( I miss him.

April: I decided to look for a new job
May: I interviewed at said jobs
June: I STARTED a new job - now an education manager in the graduate medical education field (ObGyn)- love it. BUT my husband became unemployed at this point
July: Saw new doctors at new hospital (current doctors are annoyed I have fractured my care but it is easier with insurance purposes)

Discovery of July: my tumor in my pelvis grew about 4-8mm (or more) all around. So my pain is vindicated!

August-December- learning the ropes of my job- busy busy.

January- John gets a job! Oliver turned TWO!
February- Did not particupate n 2016 undie run :(
March- the long-dreaded anticipation of the "year" mark. Talked possible surgery with my NF doctor.
April- had CT scan- learned I have an enlarged thymus.
May-now- busy busy with recruitment, interviews, more recuirtment, and impending interviews.

In August, I got a new pain Rx. It works so much better! I will write a totally separate blog about that.

In other NF news, last week, John, Oliver and I flew to Richmond to participate in the Richmond NF walk. I was late to the game fundraising, but in two weeks, I got our team to $565! It was about $150 or so with all of our registration fees as part of the total, but I got it higher :)

This is a picture of me and Theresa...the amazing organizer of the run. Photo credit , my sister :)

I unfortunately don't have  pic of my team- it was hot and Oliver was grumpy. I suck.

Anyway... some plans:

Since moving to a job at a new hospital "fractured my care", my husband, who now works for the hospital system I used to work for, the hospital system most of my doctors are practicing, will be adding us to his insurance for open enrollment, effective January. This will be the first time I am not the insurance breadwinner :) There is NOTHING wrong with the hospital I work for, but it is extremely hard to essentially see providers who are strangers to me. I don't need people gawking over me...I need my doctors who know me so my care can continue. I had continued seeing my NF doctor, but my other ones... I need to get back to them. Except I need a new Neuro-Ophtamalogist. He passed away earlier this year. :( I also need to see what needs to happen regarding my yearly endoscopies for stomach cancer remission vigilance. I had an EGD with a new doctor where I work, which sort of upset my surgeon...and when I finally came around to book with him... I learned he is moving to a new hospital! AAAAA!

So anyway, my plans (not in any particular order). Get EGD appt with my surgeon at new hospital as soon as schedule is made (my current insurance has a cheaper co pay for this hospital because it has a community affiliation). I will survive if this doesn't happen though.  Get on new health insurance (the new copay will save us money, so if my EGD is booked later, we still save money). Book consult with surgeon my NF doc wants me to see for my pelvis. Get more scans. See when this can possibly be done because my job is crazy busy. (I'm also hoping the surgery will remove my pain for good and thus, no more pain meds). Find new Neuro-Opthamalogist ( I saw one at the hospital where I work, but I really need to go back to old hospital system). Figure out what this new enlarged thymus means, if it even means anything....

I am hoping to blog more. I will probably steer this blog away from JUST health issues and make it an all-inclusive parenting, life-ing, blog. Maybe that will help me blog more? I don't know.

But that's basically one year and 9 months in a nutshell. 

Til next time....


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