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Did I do the right thing?

Something happened tonight and I want to know if you think I did the right thing/if you would do the same thing.


The hubs and I leave a party with friends and we get to Stonybrook station to go home.

Drunk girl comes in as we do. She's really really really really drunk. Getting more delirious by the moment.

She asks us "How do I get to Park Street?"

I point to the map and tell her and I tell her to make sure she goes to the INBOUND side. Of course she can barely understand me. Then she shows me how she practically broke her hand punching a girl in the face at a bar but she was "defending" herself she insists (she bumped into a person acidentally, the person got all in her face, and then she punched this person)

She walks far down the platform (the hubs and I watch her closely because there have been several drunk people that have fallen into the train pit) and ends up on a bench where some other guy is waiting for the train. They are strangers. They shake hands. She starts to tell him the same thing about her hand/her fight, etc.

I ask her if there is anybody that can help her once she gets to Park Street. Her ability to talk and understand gets worse. The guy says HE will help her. 1/2 of me thinks "oh nice guy!" 1/2 of me has red alarms going off.

Train comes, they get in/sit down, and he's ALL OVER HER. He puts her legs on him, he's touching her all over, he makes out with her. IN MY OPINION SHE IS WAY TOO DRUNK to make decisions about who can touch her, etc. So instead of getting off where we'd normally get off we follow them.

We get to the line interchange where she could get to Park Street, where she said she needed to go, and we pointed her in the direction but the guy says "i'll help her ma'am!"  but he brought her to some stairs, put her on his lap and kept...fondling her.

So I found an officer and explained the situation, that there was a really drunk girl and I feel like the guy she is with who is "helping her" is truly taking advantage of her and I was just worried. And then I described them. So the officer left his post to go check out the situation, and then we got on the train we needed to to go home.

Part of me is worried about this girl, really worried, because, ok, let's say he helps her home. The way he was touching her, he could invite himself in and who knows what he'd do to her. I am certain she cannot make judgements of who she wants to sleep with. She couldn't really even walk! So yes, I can see him holding on to her, helping her walk, but he was doing a bit more to her than helping her walk...

Part of me is worried I've made a terrible judgement against somebody who really might just be wanting to help.

But at the same time, I know my husband and male friends would not do that to some girl, who is alone, and drunk...

So PERSONALLY I'd rather make the wrong judgement, and get this girl in trouble for being 'drunk in public' and have this "helper" offended that somebody would accuse him of taking advantage of her than to NOT DO ANYTHING and find out on the news or something that she was raped. Or even if it's not on the news, just the worry that he could rape her...or go into her home and steal stuff, or sleep with her and then she wakes up terrified and confused...

But i feel sick to my stomach 1) with worry about what's going on with her and 2) that I really just made a bad judgement against this guy. BUT STILL, she was just so drunk and so helpless :,(

What would you have done?


  1. I would have done the same thing!! Hopefully they put her in jail for the night and protect her until she can. That guy was just happy to have someone he can do whatever he wanted to her! You should know she will be better with the police then that guy whether he is a good guy or not.....


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