Whatever's going on with my nerves- whether its truly damage to the ilio inguinal nerves that I described in this entry, or if a new NF tumor is eating its way through me like a termite, is really starting to dampen my hopes of EVER getting better. I really thought my surgery to remove that other NF tumor was going to help, when in fact, it might have made things worse (since abdominal surgeries are often a cause of ilio inguinal nerve damage). My worst fear might come true: having to take my comprehensive examination in March while dealing with a bad pain spell. I don't know what to do! Blahh. Just wanted to vent.
Dear Boston and all the people who have been in our lives: Thank you for the (just shy of!) 17 Years! What a beautiful city this is. It was such a privilege to call Boston home. You were worst of times (cancer, other health issues, losing Chaucer and Dante, job losses/ unemployments on both ends) but you were mostly the best of times (meeting the best people, having Oliver, completing advanced degrees, advancing in our careers, growing as people). You quite literally saved my life.. While some memories are quite triggering, they are reminders of strength and perseverance. And I am filled with thanks having been in the right place at the right time . Now here comes a waterfall of photos Us in our early days here, circa 2008 Our graduations from Boston College in 2012 and 13 respectively (I was pregnant and didn’t yet know in this pic!) Oliver’s birth in 2014 When i first moved here, I was not city savvy. I was not public transit savvy. And I HATED the cold and snow. 17...
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